The last word of the defendant Alexander Akopov in Neftekumsk


The last word of the defendant Alexander Akopov in Neftekumsk

March 31, 2022

Stavropol Territory

From the courtroom

In his last word, the believer spoke about the Bible teachings that were valuable to him: "I believe that my religious views help me become a good and kind person. It was nice to see how the attitude towards me changed from those who at first spoke unflatteringly about Jehovah's Witnesses."

Transcript of the court session in the Neftekumsky District Court of the Stavropol Territory dated 03/31/2022 in the case 1-46/2021 on the charges of Alexander Andreevich Akopov and others. of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 282.2 and Part 1 of Article 282.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Alexander A. Akopov: I want to start my last word with gratitude. Your Honor, thank you for treating us without prejudice, always listening carefully and not forbidding us to speak words in our defense. Thank you for patiently explaining our rights to us and taking into account our legal illiteracy. Special thanks for giving me permission to leave for medical care and getting into my situation. It has happened that you even postponed meetings so that I could be treated in a timely manner, or extended the permission for hospitalization from a distance.

I want to thank you, dear Prosecutor, Victoria Alexandrovna, for your patience and calmness. Although you support the prosecution, you always speak to us respectfully, correctly, and never get personal. Thank you that when we submitted petitions, very often you did not object, giving us the opportunity to attach documents that we considered important. It was a pleasure doing business with you, Islam Abdulbakievich. Thank you for your sensitivity, politeness, and also for the competent secretarial work. Thanks to your efficiency, I received all exit permits on time. I would like to thank all the lawyers for telling us how to behave in this trial, what to pay attention to, as well as for the relaxed atmosphere before and after the meetings. I would like to thank you separately, Marat Kurbanalievich, for sending petitions to the court in my interests when I could not do it personally, as well as for helping me with the correct paperwork.

In general, I would like to express my gratitude to all participants in the process for your attitude towards us. It was such that we did not feel like dangerous criminals, much less extremists. It's very valuable to me. I also want to say thank you to my family and friends who have been by my side all this time and helped me not to despair. Someone came from other cities, and someone was ready to stand in the cold or heat to support us and our relatives. There was no such thing that no one came to support any of the meetings. It helped a lot. I am also grateful to those who wrote letters to me when I was in jail. For me personally, all this is convincing proof that I am surrounded by good people and loyal friends.

In the debate, I drew the court's attention to the three main forms of worship of Jehovah's Witnesses, which are based on the Bible: Bible study, joint worship at worship services, and preaching. In my last word, I would like to talk in more detail about the third form of worship, or rather, what exactly Jehovah's Witnesses preach about. I also want to pay special attention to the reasons, or motives, for which believers share biblical knowledge with people.

To begin with, I will give a comparison that is understandable for all participants in the court session. When one of us finds out about something important, we rush to tell others about it. We always try to share what has helped us and can benefit someone else. This is absolutely normal and natural. And if we imagine for a moment that we have learned information that can save someone's life? Well, for example, we became aware of an impending natural disaster or fire. Will we be silent? Of course not! We understand that because of our silence, someone may get hurt. Jehovah's Witnesses feel something similar. They cannot keep silent about what they have learned from the Bible because they consider this information to be vital.

By the way, the first Christians were also very responsible about the work of preaching. That's what they once replied to those who asked them to shut up and not talk about God. In the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 4, verse 20, their words are recorded: What the early Christians learned from Jesus was so important that they could not remain silent. They continued to preach even when they were ridiculed, humiliated, persecuted and killed. That's the sense of responsibility the early Christians had. Jehovah's Witnesses have a similar attitude to biblical knowledge. The famous religious scholar Sergei I. Ivanenko in his book "About people who never part with the Bible" noted this as follows: "Jehovah's Witnesses feel like people who know the truth and therefore are obliged to inform everyone else about it. Even if the reward is not gratitude, but ridicule." But what is so important that Jehovah's Witnesses have learned from the Bible that they cannot keep silent about it? What do they testify to? Of course, I won't tell you everything, but I want to draw attention to some of the main topics that are especially dear to me.

From the very name of the religion, it becomes obvious that Jehovah's Witnesses want to convey to people that God's name is Jehovah. That's why they use this name so often in their prayers, songs, conversations, and personal notes. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is possible — and even necessary — to make friends with God. Knowing his name is the first step to getting closer to Jehovah. Although the name of Jehovah seems incomprehensible and unfamiliar to some, it is found quite often in many translations of the Bible, and not only in the Translation of the new world. For example, in the translation of Archimandrite Macarius, the name "Jehovah" occurs more than 3,000 times. In the book of Psalms (translated by G. P. Pavsky in 1822), the name "Jehovah" is used 36 times. In his translations of other books of the Hebrew Scriptures, God's name appears hundreds of times. There are 9 scriptures in the Synodal translation where the name "Jehovah" is mentioned. This name is found in the original Hebrew texts of the Bible much more often than any other name. You and I could see that the name of Jehovah is recognized by religious scholars when we studied the Biblical and Orthodox Encyclopedias.

One of the proofs in favor of the fact that God's name is Jehovah, for me personally, is the translation of the name of Jesus, whose personality is familiar to many people in our area. Christians even call him the Savior. The name "Jesus" consists of two words "Jehovah" and "salvation". Or "salvation from Jehovah." It turns out that even the name of Jesus in itself indicates the source of salvation, namely Jehovah God.

It is also worth noting that the name "Jehovah" is present in many other Hebrew names. For example: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Joel and many others. So, Jehovah's Witnesses learned from the Bible that the name of God is Jehovah, found confirmation of this in secular, religious and historical works and consider it very important to tell this information to other people. Why? If the answer is simple, then Jehovah's Witnesses talk about the name of God not because they decided so themselves, but because the Bible encourages them to do so. God himself revealed his name. He is the one who wants people to know about him.

The theme of the sacred name of Jehovah runs like a red thread through all the books of the Bible. Jesus Christ himself glorified the name of his Father, thereby setting an example to his followers. This is confirmed by the Orthodox and Biblical Encyclopedias that we have studied. Also, among other things, we are encouraged to talk about the name of Jehovah by the words recorded in the prophecy of Joel 2:32. In the translation of Archimandrite Macarius, this verse reads as follows: "But then everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved." According to this verse, whether a person knows the name of God or not may determine his salvation. That's why Jehovah's Witnesses cannot afford to remain silent in any way!

Also, Jehovah's Witnesses, reading the Bible, learned about what kind of God, what qualities he possesses. The Bible paints such a vivid image of Jehovah that it becomes obvious that he is a real person, and not a figment of human imagination. It reveals about 50 excellent qualities of Jehovah. For example, Psalm 85:15 says: "But You, Lord, are a generous and kind God, long-suffering, merciful, faithful." And in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 10, verses 34 and 35, it says: "Verily I know that God is not impartial, but in every nation he who fears Him and acts in truth is pleasing to Him."

The most outstanding quality of Jehovah's God is mentioned in the First Letter of John, the 4th chapter, the 8th verse: "And whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." One reference work on this verse says: "Love is the very essence of God's personality." Everything that Jehovah does is dictated by love. We see confirmation of this every day. Nature, animals, plants, the way man was created — all this shows that God loves us. Man was created not just to live, but to enjoy life. It is quite obvious that the Creator loves people very much.

So, Jehovah's Witnesses, reading God's Word, as well as analyzing the world around them, learned that Jehovah perfectly shows good qualities, and nothing evil comes from him. This is how God is revealed on the pages of the Bible. Like a witness who defends the accused, we testify that Jehovah is not a cruel God, as many people think, but a loving and caring One. He is not responsible for our suffering, but takes care of us every day. He does not test or tempt us, but gives us the strength to overcome our difficulties. For him, there are no divisions between people! All of us, regardless of nationality, are his beloved children! By recognizing the qualities of God, many people have learned to show love, kindness, humility, compassion, and so on. Jehovah's Witnesses consider it important to talk about God so that people can approach him and also imitate God in his qualities.

Jehovah's Witnesses also tell others about how biblical principles can make life happier. Few people know, but the Bible does have advice for all occasions. For example, how to cope with stress, how to love your job, how to choose useful entertainment, where to find good friends, how to improve family relationships, how to raise children responsible people, etc. By acting in accordance with the wise principles from the Bible, many people have been able to solve their problems, get rid of bad habits, become law-abiding citizens and improve marital relations.

I want to show you how it works using the example of one topic: How can we keep peace with all people, even those who treat us badly? There are many thoughts in the Bible on this subject. For example, this is what Romans 12:21 says: "Do not let evil overcome you, but overcome evil with good." This verse encourages us not to be angry at those who do us harm. On the contrary, instead of scrolling through thoughts of revenge, it is necessary to treat all your abusers kindly. In the eyes of God, this will be the victory. Of course, it's not easy to do this, but applying this principle helps you calmly respond to bad attitudes from others. By the way, this approach to detractors eliminates the possibility of hatred and aggression.

When I was in the pre-trial detention center, I repeatedly saw how badly people felt who believed that they were accused unfairly. They didn't sleep at night, darting from side to side. In their conversations, the desire to take revenge on their abusers often slipped through. And it could be said to eat them up from the inside. The Bible helped and helps me to react correctly. It was nice to see how the attitude towards me changed from those who at first spoke unflatteringly about Jehovah's Witnesses. This was possible thanks to the application of biblical advice.

Another verse that complements the thought from the Letter to the Romans is recorded in Proverbs 19:11. I really like him. It says: "Prudence will keep you from anger, greatness is in the forgiveness of offenses." If the first advice was about actions, then attention is drawn to thoughts and feelings. The verse encourages you to exercise prudence and forgive your abusers. If you use your mind correctly and remove resentment from your heart, then it will be much easier to act kindly. By applying these simple tips from the Bible, I manage to stay calm.

I am glad that I do not hate those who persecute me and treat me badly. These are just two short verses that I have given just as an example. And there are a lot of them in the Bible, and the application of such principles can make a person's life more peaceful and happy. Jehovah's Witnesses really want to share these biblical tips, because they have seen their wisdom and practicality from their own experience.

And another topic that all Jehovah's Witnesses around the world preach about is the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God. This is what Jesus Christ himself preached about. This is what Luke 8:1 says: "Jesus went through the cities and villages, proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom of God." According to the Bible, the Kingdom of God is a real spiritual government, headed by Jesus Christ himself. Under his rule, absolutely all problems of humanity will be solved, such as wars, famine, poverty, injustice, natural disasters, etc.

Although all these misfortunes overshadow the lives of many people, I would like to pay special attention to solving the problem that probably does not bypass anyone right now. I'm talking about diseases and epidemics. How will the Kingdom of God remedy the situation regarding diseases? This is what is said about it in the prophecy of Isaiah 33:24. God makes this promise: "None of the inhabitants will say, 'I am sick.'" Simply put, none of the people will get sick. Just imagine: those people who experience difficulties from illnesses every day will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. This can be said about those who have chronic diseases, who cannot hear or see, who do not have arms or legs, who have a tumor or disability, who have psychological problems. A miraculous healing awaits all of them! Under the rule of the Kingdom of God, all this — all diseases, ailments, all health problems — will no longer overshadow people's lives. They will become a thing of the past. This is what God's promise means: "None of the inhabitants will say, 'I am sick.'"

There is another biblical prophecy confirming God's desire to change people's lives for the better. It is recorded in Revelation 21:4: "And He [God] will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, and there will be no more sorrow, no more crying, no more pain, because all the old things are gone forever." This promise of God says that people will no longer have any reason to cry. There won't even be death anymore! Of course, this is very good news!

I recently talked to my friends who have serious illnesses and asked them how the promises from the Bible help them. Here are their words: "Hope helps to say no to apathy, despondency, despair, allows you to look further than these difficulties, not to get lost. Hope helps to keep joy alive today, despite the straitened circumstances." These words were said by a man who lost both his arms due to an accident. Here is another answer: "If I didn't know about the hope that God promised us, I would definitely fall into depression, because you get tired of living because of adversity. The hope spoken of in the Bible is more than just a wish that can be unfulfilled. Thanks to God's promises, I have the strength to move forward and not lose joy."

Indeed, the future that the Bible paints can be a great comfort for seriously ill people, for whom every day is a test. I can say that this hope is very supportive for me personally, because despite numerous examinations, treatments and surgeries, I have not been able to improve my health. But I believe that the time will come very soon when all diseases will be a thing of the past. And it helps not to get discouraged. It is about this, as well as about many other pleasant changes, that Jehovah's Witnesses want to tell people so that they have hope. So that a person who has given up because of the problems that have piled up can gain strength and not give up!

Of course, there is still a lot of useful, encouraging and comforting things in the Bible. You can't tell me everything. However, by drawing attention to some of the main topics that Jehovah's Witnesses talk about, I wanted to show that they cannot remain silent for a reason. They have good reasons for this. And these reasons have nothing to do with extremism or hatred. As I said at the beginning, when we learn about something vital, we rush to tell our family, friends and other people about it. Why are we doing this? Because we care about the lives of others. Similarly, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that knowledge from the Bible can benefit everyone and give hope for the future. Love for God and for people motivates Jehovah's Witnesses to preach. They care about the lives of others. Is it worth condemning Jehovah's Witnesses for their desire to help people and glorify God?

In the end, I would like to ask the court to look at the actions of which we are accused, not only from a legal point of view, but also from the point of view of morality and morality. To put it more simply, is what we did bad or not? Is it bad or not to study the Bible, pray to Jehovah God, sing religious songs, communicate with and help fellow believers, as well as preach and do all this with the motives that we had? Your Honor, I am convinced that all these actions cannot be bad, much less extremist and dangerous. On the contrary, these religious actions can be called a kind of work to counter extremism in itself. After all, it helps a believer to eradicate malice, hatred, cruelty from his heart and acquire good, positive qualities. Personally, it helps me a lot.

As I have already said in my testimony, since childhood I have been reading the Bible and communicating with Jehovah's Witnesses, but this has not fostered in me a sense of superiority over others and a desire to resist the authorities. In contrast, faith in God helps me to have peaceful relationships with others, overcome difficulties and maintain a positive attitude. My beliefs give me hope, and I don't want to lose it. I have always strived to be a good and kind person, to help people. I believe that my religious views help me become that kind of person.

I hope, Your Honor, that communication with us during the court sessions, as well as an impartial study of the materials of the criminal case, have convinced you that we are not dangerous to society, that we are not extremists and are not guilty of committing such a serious crime. There are no casualties from our actions, and there cannot be. Because we were just peacefully practicing our religion. This is very important for us, because it is an integral part of our lives.

Please, Your Honor, when making a final decision, take into account all of the above and acquit me and the other defendants. I also ask you to attach my last word to the materials of the criminal case.

Summary of the case


Stavropol Territory



What is suspected:

"After the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia to ban the activities of a religious organization… he did not give up his religious views" (from the investigator's petitions to the court for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention to Konstantin Samsonov and Shamil Sultanov).

The number of the criminal case:


Case initiated:

December 7, 2018

Current stage of the case:

The verdict has entered into force


The Federal Security Service of Russia in the Stavropol Territory

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (1), 282.3 (1)

Case number in court:

1-1/2022 (1-46/2021)


Neftekumsky District Court of Stavropol Territory


Maxim Mazikin


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