The last word of the defendant Alexander Salnikov in Magnitogorsk


The last word of the defendant Alexander Salnikov in Magnitogorsk

August 22, 2024

Chelyabinsk region

Defending his innocence, the believer said: "Judging a person who gathered with friends to study the Bible, learned to love and live peacefully, satisfying his spiritual needs, is like judging a paralyzed person who does not get out of bed for crossing the street in the wrong place."

Transcript of the court session in Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Magnitogorsk dated 08/22/2024 in the case 1-431/2024 on charges of Salnikov Alexander Viktorovich of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Salnikov Alexander Viktorovich:

Dear Court, Your Honor, I am grateful to you for the opportunity to make a final statement. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who took part in this trial in one way or another. Thank you, Your Honor, Olga Sergeevna, for your unbiased attitude to this trial. Thank you, Evgenia Alexandrovna, for your work. Thank you, Ksenia Alexandrovna, for your hard work. Thank you, Evgeny Vasilyevich, for protecting the rights of citizens, including mine. I would also like to express my special gratitude to FSB Major Evgeny Vladimirovich Ilyin and Colonel of the Investigative Committee Elena Viktorovna Mayboroda for their tactful attitude towards me.

I am grateful to my family, who have been a support and reinforcement for me. Thank you, my dear friends, for your love, for your loyalty and for your support. The Bible says: "A true friend always loves, he is a brother who can be relied upon in trouble" (Proverbs 17:17). And of course, I am grateful to our Creator and Lawgiver Jehovah God (who is also the Source of all life) for surrounding me with faithful and loving people.

For seven years, starting in 2017, there have been trials of Jehovah's Witnesses. For seven years, the courts have been looking for something extremist in their creed. But all the courts find the same thing: Jehovah's Witnesses are Jehovah's Witnesses — believers, peaceful, law-abiding citizens who show love for God and their neighbors. And the victims, or victims, in these trials are the defendants themselves and their families, their loved ones. If we consider that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not prohibit the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, then the question arises: why are Jehovah's Witnesses in the dock? I will answer it later.

Today I am in the dock because I am accused of participating in the activities of a group that was allegedly part of an extremist religious organization, which is banned. Therefore, I am, in fact, accused of extremism.

What is extremism? This is a commitment to radical views, methods and actions, or a call for the violent overthrow of a particular system. But all the materials of the case reflect only one thing — all our meetings are based on the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. This means that my last word will also be based on this book. Let the Word of God be heard in this court session.

And what does the Bible encourage? She calls us to peace and love, because in many places of the Holy Scriptures our Creator is called the God of peace and love. For example, 2 Corinthians 13:11 says: "Keep the peace. And then the God of love and peace will be with you." We see that the God of love and peace will be with a Christian if he himself strives for peace. And in the 1st Letter of the Apostle John 4:8 it says: "He who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

The Bible shows that love is the main, fundamental quality of God, it is his essence. And the Gospel of Matthew 22:36-40 says: "Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the law?" Jesus replied, "Love your God Jehovah with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the first and most important commandment. And the second one is like it: "Love your neighbors as yourself." The entire law and the books of the prophets [the entire Bible] are based on these two commandments."

The Apostle Paul wrote in a letter to Christians in Rome: "Love does not harm one's neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (Romans 13:10). In the Gospel of Matthew (many people know this scripture as the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ), in the 5th chapter it says: "Happy are those who seek to satisfy their spiritual hunger… Happy are the meek… Happy are those who thirst for righteousness… Happy are the merciful… Happy are the pure in heart… Happy are the peacemakers, because they will be called the children of God."

So we see that Christians have a duty to show love and strive for peace. This is a requirement of God. In the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13 it is written: "This is the essence of all that has been said: fear [or deeply respect, honor] the true God and keep his commandments. This is the most important thing in a person's life." The advice and requirements for Christians that are written in the Bible are, in fact, anti-extremist. Therefore, my actions — the fact that I met with friends and studied the Bible — were not only peaceful, but also had nothing to do with extremism.

Judging a person who gathered with friends to study the Bible, learned to love and live peacefully, satisfying his spiritual needs, is like judging a paralyzed person who does not get out of bed for crossing the street in the wrong place. It is also ridiculous to judge a person for extremism, and at the same time not properly establish what specific socially dangerous actions he committed.

One of the proofs of my guilt is the audio recordings of our meetings where we worshipped our Creator, studied the Bible, sang spiritual songs and prayed to Jehovah the Creator. But today, millions of believers of different religions also come together and do the same thing — without being persecuted.

For example, many believers know the prayer "Our Father". Some people learn it by heart, some just read it in the Bible. This prayer begins with the words: "Our heavenly Father, may your name be hallowed. May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." Millions of believers pray every day that God's will be fulfilled on earth, and this is not a criminal offense. Then why can't Jehovah's Witnesses come together to discuss the same thing, the main theme of the Bible — the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Kingdom of God? Why is the fact that we have gathered to study the Bible a continuation of extremist activity?

We gathered with co-religionists and discussed issues that are related in one way or another to the Kingdom of God: when it will begin to rule over the earth; what conditions will be on earth under his rule; what requirements God imposes on people who will obey this heavenly government. Your Honor, they say that this is a continuation of extremist activity, but it's just unclear why? Maybe it's all about the lifestyle of Jehovah's Witnesses and their norms of worship of our Creator?

The norms by which Jehovah's Witnesses live are the norms that God gives to all people who want to live on earth under the rule of the Heavenly Kingdom. They are written in the Bible. For example, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists things that God does not like. It says, "Don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Make no mistake: neither libertines, nor idolaters, nor those who violate marital fidelity, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor drunkards, nor those who slander others, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God."

Your Honor, if people get together, study the Bible to learn about the norms of Jehovah God, and don't do all the things that the Creator doesn't like, is that a bad thing? Are the foundations of the constitutional order being undermined when husbands stop cheating on their wives, and wives stop cheating on their husbands, when people stop abusing alcohol, stealing, avoiding hurtful words and striving for pure speech? How can this threaten the security of the state?

Regarding pure speech and God's demands, Ephesians 4:29 says: "Don't let any rotten word come off your tongue. Say only kind things." And in verse 31 it is written: "Get rid of malice, anger, rage, shouting, insulting speech and other evil." That is, from all the wrong things related to behavior and speech. James 1:26 says, "If someone believes that he worships God, but does not restrain his tongue, then he is deceiving himself. His worship is useless." With such demands from God, how can you say something evil or inappropriate? After all, in 1 John 5:3 we read: "To love God means to keep his commandments."

And then Jesus talks about why we are being judged. Verses 12 and 13 say, "But before all this happens, people will persecute you, they will grab you, bring you to synagogues and throw you in prisons. Because of my name, you will be led to kings and rulers. This will give you the opportunity to preach." Thus, Jesus warned his followers about the difficulties they would face, that they would be persecuted, judged, and imprisoned. But in the end, Jesus explains that all this makes it possible to preach so that the good news of the Kingdom is spread among all people.

Your Honor, I do not know what the verdict will be, how harsh or mild it will be, but I know for sure that the words of Jesus are being fulfilled before our eyes. After all, Jesus said: "The glad tidings of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole earth so that all nations will hear it, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14). This message is heard in 239 countries around the world. This once again convinces that everything else written in the Bible will definitely come true: there will be a new world on earth under the rule of the heavenly government — the Kingdom of God headed by Jesus Christ, where righteousness will dwell, where people will turn their swords into plows and spears into sickles. Nations will not go to war against each other and will no longer learn to fight.

The Bible also says that under the rule of the Kingdom of God, people will not get sick, grow old and die. They will live in a world in which there will be no borders and law enforcement agencies. People will live in love and unity, forever and happily. Some may say that these are fairy tales, but for me the Bible is the Word of God. In the 2nd Letter to Timothy, the 3rd chapter says: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful: it helps to teach, to rebuke, to correct, to guide on the right path, so that the servant of God is fully fit and well prepared for any good deed."

In his prophecy, Jesus pointed out another reason why we are being judged: "Because of my name, you will be led to kings and rulers." That is, in fact, Jesus said: "For your faith, for your religious beliefs, you will be judged."

Is this really the case? In the 1990s, Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia were rehabilitated as victims of political repression, according to the RSFSR Law No. 1761 of 18.10.1991 "On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression". And there is one paradox here: these people, who are already well over 80, receive monetary compensation for rehabilitation, and their children are now being tried for the same thing that their parents were once tried for. But what exactly were they persecuted for? The document from the criminal case explicitly states that during the Soviet era, Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted for their religious beliefs. This once again confirms the truth of the words of Jesus, who said that his followers would be persecuted for their religious beliefs.

When Jehovah's Witnesses were exiled to Siberia in 1951, they were accused under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of anti-Soviet propaganda and saw them as enemies of the people. But did they really do what they were being judged for? No. If they were real criminals, they would not have been rehabilitated. And what about today? Nowadays, Jehovah's Witnesses are judged under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as extremists. But are they really doing what they are being judged for? Will we also have to wait decades to understand that we are not extremists (as was once the case with "enemies of the people") and that our meetings are not a continuation of extremist activities, but a confession of our faith based on the Bible?

The absurdity of this accusation can be illustrated by the following illustrative example. Imagine for a moment that a group of deeply religious Orthodox people gathered at one of their friends to celebrate an Orthodox holiday, say Christmas. They pray, sing religious songs, read Psalms and the Gospels, that is, perform harmless religious rituals. In this case, is it possible to conclude that they belong to the registered legal entity Orthodox religious organization "Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church"? And if we assume that the court recognizes this organization as extremist (for example, on the basis that it proclaims only its faith as true, and all others as false), then can we conclude that those believers are guilty of actions provided for in Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that is, they participate in the activities of an organization recognized by the court The extremist Moscow Patriarchate? This is exactly the position of the Investigative Committee and the prosecution in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses. All we have to do is get together to sing songs, read the Bible, discuss biblical prophecies, and that's it — we are criminals! Are we really going back to medieval Europe, when the holy Inquisition burned people for reading the Bible?

Your Honor, I want to give you two more examples. If a chess club is closed, but former members of the club still play chess, do they continue the activities of the chess club, which no longer exists? Or do they satisfy their needs by playing chess? The second example. Imagine that FIFA and UEFA, which are legal entities, were banned and recognized as extremist in Russia. Will they stop playing football in Russia? Or will a group of people gathered to play football — adults, children, men, women — also be extremists?

I would like to draw attention to one trial that took place about 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ was judged. Charges were brought against him that he calls the people to revolt, forbids paying taxes to Caesar and says that he is the Christ, the king. What Jesus Christ was accused of then could be called extremism today. But what did Pilate, who acted as a judge, say to all the accusations against Jesus? Luke 23:14 records his answer. It says: "You have brought this man to me and claim that he is inciting the people to revolt. I questioned him in front of you and saw that he was not guilty of what you accuse him of."

So Pilate realized that Jesus was being falsely accused and there was no reason for this. That Jesus was the promised Messiah was true, but that he forbade paying taxes and called for rebellion was an absolute lie. Jesus preached the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God and brought the wonderful news to people that it would solve all the problems of mankind. He miraculously fed the hungry, healed any diseases, resurrected the dead and thereby showed all people that there are no problems that the Kingdom of God cannot solve.

The situation is very similar today. Who is being tried today? Believers, followers of Jesus Christ, those who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. I am also a Jehovah's Witness, and I do not deny it. But what am I being judged for? Allegedly for inciting religious discord, hatred and enmity — for extremism. But this is not true. I believe that my worship of Jehovah God does not contradict the law. It is based on the Bible, and I do not condemn those who worship God the way they see fit. In Peter's 1st Letter, in the 2nd chapter, in the 17th verse, it says: "Treat with respect the most diverse people, love all brothers, fear God, honor the king." Also in the 1st Letter to Timothy, in the 2nd chapter, in the 1st and 2nd verses it says: "First of all, I urge all [Christians] to turn to God with supplications, prayers, requests and words of gratitude for a wide variety of people, including kings and all those who occupy a high position [or are endowed with power], so that we can lead a calm and quiet life, showing devotion to God and seriousness in everything". So we see that the Bible teaches us to always be peacemakers.

If we go back to the trial of Jesus, what sentence was passed on him? In Luke, in the 23rd chapter, starting from verse 20, it says: "However, Pilate wanted to free Jesus and therefore turned to them again… "For what? What evil has this man done?" But they began to shout at the top of their voices and demanded his execution. They shouted so much that Pilate agreed to fulfill their demand." Yes, Pilate did not acquit Jesus. Who influenced his decision? A group of high-ranking people who turned the people against Jesus, although Pilate wanted to let him go. Not some physical evidence, not some evidence, but the opinion of people who disliked Jesus, the Son of God.

I want to draw attention to one very interesting fact from the life of Christ. He was treated as a dangerous criminal and unfairly punished. But what was Christ thinking about during the execution? His words are written in the Bible. For example, in Luke 23:34. Here Jesus prays to his God and Father that he will forgive those who punish him. An amazing request to God before death. This fact suggests that until the end of his earthly life, Jesus did not have resentment and hatred in his heart for those who unreasonably decided to take his life. Why? Because the meaning of his life was to please his heavenly Father in everything, who is the personification of peace, love and great kindness. And Jesus fully manifested God's qualities.

By this, I want to say that Jesus is an example for me. In Peter's 1st Letter, in chapter 2, verse 21, it says: "Christ ... has left you an example so that you follow in his footsteps as accurately as possible." And in Peter's 2nd Letter, in the 3rd chapter, 11th and 14th verses, the Christian is called to holy behavior. He must make every effort to be someone who is pure, blameless and keeps the peace in the eyes of God.

It was said above that love for God and love for one's neighbors are the main commandments on which the law is based, that is, the entire Bible. Love for God, love for people, love for our beautiful planet on which we live, is the foundation of the life of all truly believing people. And there is no extremism in this, because the love of God does not tolerate hatred of man. The Bible does not teach extremism. The worship of Jehovah God is the image and meaning of my life.

It fascinates and amazes me that any person on earth, no matter what status they have, can build their personal relationship with God. The Bible is publicly available today, and everyone has the opportunity to observe the world around us. The Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans says: "After all, what can be learned about God is not hidden from such people — God has revealed it to them. The invisible qualities of God have been clearly visible since the world was created, and we can see them by looking at his creations. They all testify to his eternal power and serve as proof that he is God" (Romans 1:19, 20).

If someone close to you gave a billion rubles, would he refuse? And at the time, I was offered something that is more expensive than any money — to find friendship with God, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. And I did not refuse this gift. And now I understand that I made a wise choice. For me, friendship with God is something unique and beautiful. And when I got to know God, when I developed feelings for him, when I realized that friendship with him is a great honor for a person, then God's feelings became important to me, as the feelings of parents whom he loves very much are important to a son. That's why, dear judge, I tried with all my heart to live as the Bible teaches, as Jesus lived.

At one time, Jesus stood before the court. Now I'm standing in front of the court. But for what? For exercising his constitutional right to believe in Jehovah God and live in accordance with what the Bible teaches; for learning to love his neighbor as himself. Unfortunately, when the case of Christ was considered, the court did not have the courage to make an honest and fair decision. But why am I remembering the past now? The fact is, dear court, that history is a searchlight into the future, which shines on us from the past so that we do not repeat other people's mistakes. Now, at this moment in time, history is being written. And it is worth saying that the persecution of Christians is a shameful page in the history of mankind.

Your Honor, please, please do not allow one of the fundamental human rights, namely the right to freedom of religion, to become a reason for religious persecution. I really want the court to make its decision objectively, without prejudice, not based on the opinion of any people, but based on evidence and facts. I know that my conscience is clear before God, that I have never violated the laws of the Russian state. Therefore, I ask you to acquit me in connection with the absence of corpus delicti.

Summary of the case


Chelyabinsk region



What is suspected:

"He held meetings, carried out communication between members of the organization, helped neophytes in introducing to the teaching, helped in understanding and assimilating the materials in question" (from the decision on bringing as an accused)

Criminal case number:


Case initiated:

April 18, 2023

Current stage of the case:

The verdict has not entered into force


Leninsky interdistrict Investigative Department of the SU IC of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (1)

Case number in court:


The Court of First Instance:

Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Magnitogorsk

Judge of the Court of first instance:

Olga Prokopenko


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