The last word of the defendant Stanislav Kim in Khabarovsk
The last word of the defendant Stanislav Kim in Khabarovsk
June 20, 2024
Khabarovsk Territory
Speaking with the last word in court, the believer spoke about the public benefits of Jehovah's Witnesses and stated: "The doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses helps law enforcement agencies through preventive and moral methods, but instead of thanking believers, people are tried and imprisoned."
Transcript of the court session in the Industrial District Court of Khabarovsk dated 06/20/2024 in the case 1-6/2024 on charges of Kim Stanislav Viktorovich and others. of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Kim Stanislav Viktorovich:
Your Honor, I would like to express my gratitude that you have provided sufficient time to defend against the charges against me.
I thank my lawyers for their high-quality defense and for the opportunity to receive detailed legal advice.
I thank my soulmate, my beloved wife Olesenka, who tried her best to support me, although she herself felt very bad due to stress and illness.
I also want to thank my relatives and friends who prayed for us and helped us. I want you to know that there is no limit to our gratitude with Olesenka. And it is impossible to describe it in words. You are true friends because you did not leave us on the day of the disaster. We love you all very much and are very grateful for everything!
Your Honor, I do not hate those who persecuted me, because I understand that many may not have fully understood what is happening. I also consider it an honor to suffer for believing in my God Jehovah, who has everything under control, including what happens to his servants.
I became a Jehovah's Witness when I served in law enforcement as a forensic expert, about 20 years ago. Faith in God saved me from terrible depression, and therefore I am very grateful to those people who came to my house and studied the Bible with me. Thanks to the knowledge from the Bible, I gained peace of mind, hope, happiness and meaning in life, and subsequently this knowledge helped me overcome many serious trials and remain calm and joyful at the same time. I am sure that Jehovah God will help me overcome this test as well. Biblical knowledge also had a beneficial effect on my physical health, because it helped me to leave bad habits, as well as on my attitude to work, because thanks to this knowledge I became more diligent. In the Bible, Colossians 3:23 is written: "And whatever you do, do with all your heart, as for the Lord, and not for men" (Synodal translation). During my service in law enforcement agencies, I did not have a single penalty, but only thanks, diplomas and awards.
From 2008 to 2016, I worked as a civil servant as a forensic expert in the RUFSN (Regional Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service) of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory. When I was hired, I reported my faith in Jehovah God, and the department of my own security conducted a thorough check. As a result, they gave permission to work in this structure. During my work, I also had awards, commendations, diplomas, and there was not a single penalty. I'm sure if I had any violations of the rule of law because of my religion, I would have been fired right away. But my faith in God not only did not prevent me from serving in this structure, but it helped me a lot, because biblical knowledge encouraged me to be a more diligent worker.
I respect the authorities and try to observe all the laws in the country, because the Bible teaches the same thing, in Romans 13:1, 2: "Let every soul be submissive to higher authorities, for there is no authority not from God; the existing authorities are established from God" (Synodal translation). It turns out that my religious beliefs helped me in the fight against crime, because with the help of expert opinions, I helped the investigation and judges to find evidence of crimes committed. But instead of thanking me for all my work, I am being detained as a dangerous criminal, and even on police day, November 10, 2018. Usually on this day I was thanked for my work, but now I am being tried for a crime that I did not commit, and at the same time without even providing a single proof of my guilt. These thoughts just make me feel very bad and it seems that this is all a prank that for some reason lasts a very long time.
Earlier, while working in law enforcement agencies, at some point I realized that law enforcement agencies will never defeat crime, even if they use the best methods. Because of this, I became very worried, especially when I saw dangerous criminals evading responsibility or when innocent people were suffering. But, to my joy, I learned from the Bible that the time will come when there will be no crime. Psalm 36:10: "A little more, and the wicked will not be; you will look at his place, and he is not there" (Synodal translation).
In addition, I realized that it is not the penal colony that can help a criminal to reform, but knowledge from the Bible. After all, due to the fact that a person sincerely begins to study the Bible and tries to apply this knowledge in life, he changes for the better and turns from a criminal and aggressive person into a peaceful, law-abiding citizen. And it's true, I've personally met such people. For example, to cure a disease, you need to identify its main cause, and not just eliminate the pain. Also, in order to reduce the crime rate, it is necessary not just to tighten laws and increase the staff, but to treat people's minds.
In the Bible, in the book of James 1:14, 15 it is written: "But everyone is tempted, carried away and deceived by their own lust; lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin done gives birth to death" (Synodal translation). The main idea of these verses is that actions are preceded by thoughts, goals, beliefs and desires. The Bible helps people to correct their thinking. Many people commit crimes out of desperation and lack of satisfaction in life. The Bible teaches to be satisfied with life, gives hope and meaning in life, happiness. Greed drives people to commit crimes, and the Bible teaches us to be generous and avoid greed. That is, it turns out that the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses helps law enforcement agencies through preventive and moral methods, but instead of thanking believers, people are tried and imprisoned.
Everyone knows that Jehovah's Witnesses are persecuted not only in Khabarovsk, but throughout the country, and the president of the country in December 2018, during an interview, said that he also did not understand why Jehovah's Witnesses could be persecuted, because they are also Christians. The whole world is alarmed that peaceful believers like us are being persecuted for their religious beliefs. The Russian Human Rights Council, the ECHR, the European Union, the United Nations and many countries express dissatisfaction with these persecutions and remind that international conventions are being violated.
I also don't understand what the point of these persecutions is for the state. After all, they are not just persecuting peaceful people, but disciplined workers, professionals in their field, law-abiding citizens who could bring a lot of benefit to other people and the country as a whole. But, unfortunately, peaceful people are currently being imprisoned, and many are fleeing abroad because of persecution. Soldiers of special units break into the homes of the elderly, the disabled, families with young children, take out doors and windows. Some are tortured and beaten to get information about their co-religionists. These attacks can be compared to a disease, when immune cells begin to destroy health. Healthy cells of the body, and as a result, the whole body, dies. Something similar is happening in our country, when law enforcement agencies, instead of protecting civilians from criminals, attack them themselves. And this is dangerous not only for Jehovah's Witnesses, but also for the whole society. Now this is a threat to any person, because it becomes clear that a high-ranking official, with great power, can easily find flaws in any organization, religion, or any person.
Your Honor, if one of the people in power does not agree with the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, then why put them in prison for it? After all, there are discussions, conversations, because everyone has the right to have their own point of view and their own understanding on certain issues. Otherwise, you get crusades. I disagree — punishment or death. But people still won't change their point of view, they can just keep silent. Will a person be able to prove his case with his fists, possessing great physical strength? No, he can only scare or maim. Also in this case. Will the authorities be able to force them by force and punishment not to believe in God Jehovah and not to comply with his norms? No. Just like this strong man will not be able to prove his case with his fists.
Your Honor, the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, like many other religions, teaches kindness and love, high moral standards, but there are differences from other religions, for example, answers to questions: what happens to a person after death? Does God have a name? Who is Jesus Christ? What will happen in the future? Your Honor, should the court decide which answers to these questions are correct and which are not? Can a court condemn a person for controversial religious issues, with answers to which someone agrees, and this is his right, and someone does not, and this is also his right? Many people believe in Armageddon, and there are many versions of this war in the movies. What if some high-ranking official is now going to be jailed for not showing his version of Armageddon? How would you feel about that? We would probably agree that this is absurd and it is illegal.
Your Honor, with the freedom of interpretation of the law on extremism, extremism or its manifestations can be imagined anywhere. For example, when watching any movie or TV show, listening to any harmless song. And if we follow the logic of the preliminary investigation bodies, then any religion, any organization, any book, any writer, any artist, blogger, singer, any film, any program and any statement can be accused of extremism. You just have to try. And you don't really need to try.
For example, even in the harmless cartoon "Well, wait a minute", following the logic of the investigation, you can find extremism. The funny plot of a wolf chasing a hare, if desired, can be regarded as an insult to the feelings of those who love wolves or hares, as well as comedic scenes to present as scenes of violence. The words of the harmless and popular song "Real men play hockey" can be interpreted as an insult to the feelings of those who do not like to play hockey, since the song contains the words "A coward does not play hockey." And even if there is clearly nothing offensive, then we can say that by some phrase the person meant something about violence and thus the given person is accused of extremism. Myths and legends can also be regarded as extremism, as they tell about the death of people.
Your Honor, not a single argument has been made in this trial that testifies to the danger of the Jehovah's Witnesses' creed. This is because there are no such arguments. But at the same time, a huge number of arguments were voiced about the benefits of the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. There was a lot of talk about such good qualities as gentleness, love, patience, the ability to forgive, honesty and trust, that there should be no divisions into races and social status, that one should be peacemakers, and respect for authority. It was said that through the application of knowledge from the Bible, families and physical health are strengthened. Please pay attention to this when passing sentence. Even many people who are not familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses express bewilderment at their persecution.
Your Honor, one day prisoners who were accused of murder and theft came up to me in the pre-trial detention center and asked why I was imprisoned. In response, I said that for believing in Jehovah God. They did not believe it and said that such a thing could not happen in our time.
Once I asked the investigator why I was being persecuted. After working for many years in law enforcement agencies and at the same time being a believer, I was considered a conscientious and useful employee, and now suddenly I have become a criminal accused of a serious crime. How can this be? To this, the investigator replied that previously it was possible to believe in the God Jehovah, but now it is impossible. And that he doesn't need any proof of my guilt at all, but only needs to prove that I am a believer, a Jehovah's Witness. Therefore, there is only one expertise in this case — religious studies.
But after all, it is necessary to prove not that I am a believer, a Jehovah's Witness, which I do not deny, but that I was a member of the Ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses of Khabarovsk and the Management Center of Jehovah's Witnesses and at the same time continued the extremist activities of these organizations after their ban. There is no such evidence, and there cannot be, because I have never been a member of these organizations, much less continued their activities. So, as you can see, Your Honor, all the accusations are far-fetched.
If we turn to history, then at all times the servants of God, even under pain of death, did not stop believing and loving him. Among them are the prophets who lived in ancient times, Jesus Christ, the apostles and the first Christians. If we talk about modern history, these are Jehovah's Witnesses who lived during Nazi Germany and during the Soviet era, people who live in Eritrea, where they are persecuted for believing in God.
If we talk about Russia, the President of our country said that the majority of residents living on the territory of the Russian Federation are Christians. And strangely enough, I am being judged for being a Christian, I am being judged for meeting my co-religionists, singing religious songs, researching the Bible. But, Your Honor, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ, the apostles and the first Christians also gathered together. They sang religious songs, researched the books of the Bible and, of course, preached biblical knowledge to others. It turns out that if Jesus and the apostles had lived in our time, they would also have been called extremists and judged. I am being judged for trying to live the way Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, taught me. Because of the persecution for my faith, I also experience suffering, intense emotions and stress. But I really want to endure it, because I love my God and trust him.
The creeds for which I am being judged are preached by Jehovah's Witnesses. The word "witness" is a legal term. And as you know, Your Honor, there are prosecution witnesses and defense witnesses. So at this trial, I am a witness to the defense of Jehovah's God himself. I defend the good name of God from slander, which consists in the fact that his servant will be ready to renounce him for the sake of his salvation. Therefore, I am ready to declare that it is an honor for me to be one of those who have been given the opportunity to glorify the name of God and Jehovah in courts such as this one, and to prove that the allegations made against his servants in this court are lies.
I ask you to attach the last word to the materials of the criminal case.
Summary of the case
Khabarovsk Territory
What is suspected of:
According to investigators, they organized the activities of a religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses on the territory of Khabarovsk (with reference to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the liquidation of all 396 registered organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses)
Criminal case number:
Case initiated:
November 10, 2018
Current stage of the case:
The verdict has not entered into force
From the SU IC of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory
Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:
282.2 (2), 282.2 (1)
The number of the case in court:
1-6/2024 (1-15/2023; 1-216/2022; 1-1031/2021)
Industrial District Court of Khabarovsk
Roman Chiskovsky
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