Strengthened by a Forest of Brothers and Sisters


Strengthened by a Forest of Brothers and Sisters

The Central District Court of Tolyatti will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Sister Yelena Yurenkova. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.

February 21, 2024


Yelena Yurenkova

Born: 1970 (Tolyatti, Samara Region)

Biography: Failed to find answers in philosophy and secular writings about the meaning of life. Became convinced the truth was in the Bible after studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Baptized in 1999

Married Yuriy in 2000. They have two daughters

Personal Comments

What does the support of your brothers and sisters mean to you?

When I first met my court-appointed defense attorney, she couldn’t understand why I wasn’t happy simply reading the Bible and praying on my own. She wondered why I wanted to associate with my brothers and sisters in worship, especially when it led to me being prosecuted. I asked her if she liked to spend time walking in the forest. As it turned out, she lives in the forest and loves the peaceful surroundings. I told her that being surrounded by my brothers and sisters is like being in the middle of a large, beautiful forest. We are not like isolated trees, alone and exposed. Like the trees in the forest, we support and strengthen one another.

We are grateful to Jehovah for the loving support he has provided to Yelena and all who are enduring persecution as we unitedly “serve him shoulder to shoulder.”—Zephaniah 3:9.

Time Line

May 15, 2023

Criminal case initiated

May 16, 2023

Home searched. Interrogated and placed under travel restrictions

June 5, 2023

Criminally charged

August 23, 2023

Criminal trial began


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