The last word of the defendant Svetlana Shishina in Shuya


The last word of the defendant Svetlana Shishina in Shuya

January 24, 2024

Ivanovo region

The believer pointed out to the court the absurdity of the criminal case: "There are people in the dock who try to comply with the laws of their country and show respect for the authorities, work honestly and pay taxes ... worship God as it is written in the Bible… And for this they are accused of extremism."

Transcript of the court session in the Shuisky city Court of the Ivanovo region dated 01/24/2024 in the case 1-1/2024 (1-2/2023; 1-138/2022) on the accusation of Svetlana Yurievna Shishina and others. of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Shishina Svetlana Yurievna:

Your Honor, perhaps I can repeat myself in some thoughts with other defendants, but I also sincerely want to thank you for your professionalism, for treating this really difficult criminal case in which my friends and I are defendants with all seriousness and impartiality. I am also very grateful to you for the peaceful, calm and respectful atmosphere at this trial. You treated each of us with respect. Asking questions, we tried to understand and get to the bottom of the matter. They gave us the opportunity to comment on the course of the trial, listened to us and showed us patience when we repeated ourselves in some way.

Thanks to the secretary, Angelika Andreevna, for the friendly and tactful attitude towards us, the defendants, and those who came to the court sessions to support us. Thank you very much to our lawyers for their teamwork, well-coordinated work, professionalism and desire to protect us. Thanks to the state prosecutors for the tact and calmness they showed. I also want to thank the bailiffs for their kind and respectful attitude towards all of us.

And, of course, I am very grateful to my family and my dear friends, co-religionists, for the tremendous emotional, physical and material support. I really appreciate that in any weather, despite their busy schedule and difficult circumstances, they found the time, strength and means to assure us, the defendants, of their fervent brotherly love with their presence.

Your Honor, the moment has come when this trial is coming to an end, and you will go to the deliberation room for sentencing. In your judicial practice, you have probably encountered various criminal cases, complex and confusing, but I am convinced that this is the first time you have encountered a criminal case as unique in its absurdity as ours.

So what is the absurdity of this case? The fact that there are people in the dock who try to comply with the laws of their country and show respect for the authorities. They never criticize the authorities, do not advocate a change of government, do not participate in anti-government propaganda and rallies that undermine trust and respect for the authorities, but, on the contrary, they work honestly and pay taxes, and law enforcement agencies accuse them of undermining the constitutional order of the Russian Federation.

These are people who exercise their constitutional right to freedom of religion and worship God the way it is written in the Bible. These are people who take care of their neighbors, who in their joint friendly meetings learn to reflect on the basis of the Bible on how to show love to people of all kinds, regardless of their nationality or religion, learn to show love even to those who treat them badly. And for this they are accused of extremism and inciting religious hatred! These people value life and take care of their health, choosing the best and high-quality treatment for themselves, but they are accused of refusing to use medical care.

It is precisely because of the substitution of concepts by law enforcement agencies that my dear friends and I are now in the dock. It is also interesting that we are accused of such serious crimes, but in this criminal case there are no victims, there is no data on the nature and amount of harm caused to anyone. There is no real evidence of our guilt. This is the absurdity of this criminal case!

And yet, in my last word, I want to talk about the positive. First, I want to tell you a little about myself. I grew up in a full and happy family. My parents are retired military men. They always tried to live honestly themselves, so my brother and I were taught to do the same. Since Mom and Dad were members of the CPSU, there was never any talk about God in our family. Even as a child, while visiting, I saw a book that made an indelible impression on me. It was a children's Bible in pictures. It was from her that I learned that there is such a spiritual and powerful person as God.

Years later, I began to study the Bible and from it I learned that God has a name — Jehovah. "And let them finally know that Your name is Jehovah, only You are the Most High, the Ruler of the whole earth!" (Holy Bible: Modern Translation, Psalm 82:19). I learned that he is our Creator, the Creator of heaven and earth, that his original intention was for people to live on earth in beautiful paradisiacal conditions in peace and harmony with each other and with animals; so that people never get sick or die, do not experience hunger and need.

Unfortunately, due to the disobedience of the first human couple, everything did not go according to plan, not as God originally intended. But you can be sure that God's intention has not changed: what he has planned for the earth and people, no one will ever be able to destroy. Jehovah still wants people to be happy, to live on earth in love and joy. It is this good news that I am trying to convey to people.

I also really want all people to have such hope, which helps them get through the most difficult times. It is based on God's firm promises. "God wished it to be perfectly clear to all heirs of the promise that His plan is unchangeable. Therefore, He sealed his promise with an oath that gives us great encouragement and confidence in two unchangeable truths: "God does not lie" and "God is faithful to His oath." We are the people who hold fast to the hope offered to us. We keep this hope as an anchor, unshakable and durable" (The Holy Bible: A Modern Translation, Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews 6:17-19).

The Bible speaks not only about the hope and purpose of God, it teaches us love, mercy, compassion, non—acceptance, patience and peacefulness - qualities inherent in Jehovah.

The truths of the Bible gradually changed my thinking and helped me to look at everything positively. Due to the observance of biblical principles, my life has improved significantly, it has become more meaningful and purposeful. I have good relations with relatives, neighbors, and work colleagues. I have great family relationships: with my husband, with my children, with my parents. Due to the fact that I instilled biblical truths in my children from early childhood, they grew up to be good, decent and kind people, not capable of meanness and meanness. And I do not lose hope that one day my family will be able to say with me: "Lord our God, You are worthy of all glory, praise and power, because You created everything, and everything exists and was created according to Your will" (Holy Bible: Modern Translation, book of Revelation 4:11).

Faith in Jehovah God has helped me find meaning in my life and hope for a wonderful future. I have found real, reliable and loyal friends who will never betray. I am proud to belong to such a loving and friendly international spiritual family, where everyone cares for each other, trusts, respects and tries to observe the laws and principles of God.

I want to tell you a little more about how this criminal prosecution affected me. The Bible says: "After all, if you tolerate being beaten for misconduct, then what is your merit? But if you suffer for good and bear it patiently, you have earned God's approval" (New Russian Translation, 1 Peter 2:20). Also in his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, since the kingdom of heaven belongs to them" (Holy Bible: Modern Translation, Gospel of Matthew 5:10).

At one time, it was difficult for me to understand the meaning of these words, until I myself faced persecution for my faith. Of course, there is nothing pleasant about this, but understanding that I can please God by remaining faithful to him no matter what makes me really happy. I know that heavenly Father approves of me.

Persecution has only strengthened my friendship with Jehovah, made my faith stronger, and such faith gives me peace of mind and tranquility. Most importantly, there is no resentment, hatred and anger in my heart against those who persecute me and treat me unfairly.

Your Honor, whatever decision you make, I am determined to continue to show love for my God Jehovah. He was and always will be my best friend, a loving heavenly Father. And I am also sure that "neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor authorities, nor the present, nor the future, nor powers, nor height, nor depth — nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord!". This is exactly what Paul wrote about God's love in his Letter to the Romans (Romans 8:38, 39).

And yes, I may lose my freedom, health, property, life, but my faith and hope will remain with me forever, no one will ever be able to take it away from me. I ask you, Your Honor, to restore justice and rehabilitate my good name by dropping the charge against me, and completely acquit me!

Summary of the case


Ivanovo region



What is suspected of:

According to investigators, he participated in divine services, which is interpreted as participation and financing of the activities of an "extremist organization" (with reference to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the liquidation of all 396 registered organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses)

Criminal case number:



April 19, 2018

The current stage of the case:


Is being investigated by:

The SU IC of the Russian Federation for the Ivanovo region

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (2), 282.3 (1), 282.2 (1)

The number of the case in court:

1-1/2024 (1-2/2023; 1-138/2022)


Shuisky City Court of the Ivanovo region

Judge of the Court of first instance:

Anton Mokin


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