The last word of the defendant Alexey Plekhov in Surgut



The last word of the defendant Alexey Plekhov in Surgut

November 9 , 2023

Khanty-Mansiysk JSC

In his last word, the believer stressed that he had never had a desire to harm anyone: "I love my country, my city. I love people."

Transcript of the court session in the Surgut City Court of Surgut dated 09.11.2023 on the case № 1-27/2023 (1-130/2022; 1-1348/2021) on the accusation of Plekhov Alexey Nikolaevich and others . in committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 282.2, Part 1 of Article 282.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Plekhov Alexey Nikolaevich:

Dear Court and dear State prosecutors! So the very day that we have been waiting for for so long and for which we have been walking so long and hard has come. Thank you, dear court, for being with us until the end. We must pay tribute to the public prosecutors for the patience they have shown over the years, although it was not easy. A lot of material was prepared.

I kept thinking: what should I say in my last word at this meeting? I am tired both mentally and physically, and if I had been alone all this time, I don't know what would have happened to me and what would have been left of me. But I was glad that I wasn't alone. With me were my dear brothers and my dear sister Viola, who can always support and comfort. I was supported by all those who came and continue to come to the courtroom before and after the sessions.

Next to me is my beloved wife Anna, who is a true friend, wife and someone who always supports me, especially after February 15, 2019. Despite the fact that our lives have changed a lot — the search, torture and subsequent events literally divided it into before and after — we are trying very hard to think more and take care of each other and our children. The moral norms and principles that we have learned from the Bible encourage us to remain loyal, faithful to each other and strengthen love. I am grateful to the court for the fact that during the entire trial I did not have to leave my family for a long time. The preventive measure applied to me allowed me to be near my beloved children and wife.

And now unity is what unites us all. I wanted to explain a little bit what unity is and how it is achieved. There are a huge number of people living on earth, and I am sure that among this huge multitude there will be sincere ones — those who seek to know God and become closer to him. There will always be those who appreciate the truth and the truth. Although religions in general usually divide people, faith in the only true God unites them.

When Israel was a people chosen by God, the true faith attracted many sincere people from other nations. For example, the Moabite Ruth abandoned her Moabite gods and said to her mother—in-law Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God" (Ruth 1:16). By the 1st century AD, many pagans turned to the true God. Later, when the apostles of Jesus went to distant lands to preach the good news, many sincere people began to believe in the true God, becoming his servants. Can faith in the true God unite people in such a way today?

Skeptics claim that the expressions "true faith" and "true God" are essentially incorrect. They probably think so because they do not know the source from which one could learn the truth. But people who seek the truth, in whatever country they live, understand that preferences are inappropriate in the matter of worshipping God. Only the Creator of everything, Jehovah God, is worthy of worship (Revelation 4:11). Only he, the true God, has the right to decide how people should worship him.

Jehovah speaks to us through his Word — the Bible, from which we can learn about his requirements. Almost every person on earth today has access either to the entire Bible or to its individual parts. In addition, God's son Jesus Christ said, "If you abide in my word, then ... you will know the truth" (John 8:31, 32). This means that the truth can be known. And millions of sincere people, coming from different faiths, become co-religionists, courageously making the truth the way of their whole lives.

A remarkable prophecy recorded in the book of the prophet Zephaniah 3:8 speaks about the unification of people from different nations: "I [Jehovah God] will give clean mouths to the nations, so that they all call on the name of Jehovah, so that they serve him with one accord." What a beautiful picture: people from different nations change their thinking in order to serve God in unity!

To unite his people, Jehovah gives them a pure language. This pure language includes an accurate understanding of the biblical truth about God and his intentions. Speaking in a pure language means believing the truth, teaching it to others and living in accordance with the laws and principles of God. It also means staying away from the politics that sow enmity and eradicating from the heart the egoistic views so characteristic of this world that give rise to racism and nationalism. All sincere people can master this language. Many of us here have been able to do this.

The love of my brothers and sisters has undoubtedly helped me to love Jehovah and all those who serve him wholeheartedly. By such love, one can unmistakably identify the true followers of Christ. Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, so you also love one another. Therefore, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves" (John 13:34, 35). When I realized that brothers and sisters all over the world show love and unity, I wanted to become a part of this large and friendly family even more.

Despite our imperfections and many shortcomings, unity among Jehovah's Witnesses is flourishing. Think about the gulf that separates the rich and the poor, those who live in technologically advanced countries and countries where ancient tribal customs still prevail. People of the same race and nationality are at enmity on religious grounds. Due to the rise of nationalism, the world is politically divided as never before. And if we take into account many other dividing factors, it becomes obvious that unity among people from all nations, groups and classes, based on unbreakable bonds of love and peace, is a miracle that only almighty God can do.

When I dedicated myself to God, I voluntarily assumed the responsibility of maintaining unity among God's people. The principles that are in the word of God, the Bible, help me in this. For example, the Apostle Paul addressed Christians living in Galatia with the following words: "While there is time, we will do good to everyone, but especially to brothers and sisters in the faith." The words "do good to everyone" mean that we are not indifferent to the problems of other people. We are always ready to help those who need help or support in difficult moments.

I have never had the desire to harm people — neither by action nor inaction. I love my country, my city. I love people and am ready to make sacrifices for their well-being. Each of us, dear judge, works for the benefit of society, doing with our own hands the work that benefits others. We regularly pay taxes, as required by state laws, and we are happy to participate in events for the improvement of our city. After all, you always want to be useful.

Another proof of unity for me is the care our friends showed us when my daughter and I were in the hospital. Every day someone came to us and brought something. We didn't lack for anything.

Jehovah's Witnesses are a unique people who preserve spiritual and moral purity and zealously serve God. We are different from other people because we worship our God Jehovah. We not only work shoulder to shoulder with our brothers all over the earth, but also speak to each other in a pure language, the language of truth. We learned the biblical truth, changed our thinking and began to live according to the norms of God. Thanks to this, we have achieved unity — something that seems impossible from a human point of view. Yes, we are a unique people, the only people who bring glory to Jehovah in all corners of the earth.

So, summing up, I want to say that I consider it an honor to be here and defend before the court my right, which is defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation — the right to preach, given to me by my God Jehovah.

Dear Court, I ask you to take into account all the facts that prove my innocence and pass an acquittal with the right to full rehabilitation and compensation for both moral and physical harm that was caused to me and my family during the investigation.

Summary of the case


Khanty-Mansiysk JSC



What is suspected of:

"He made speeches, participated in a preaching service with local "Jehovah's witnesses", held meetings with "pioneers", "elders" and "service assistants", including in order to organize the activities of "elders" in the "assembly""Take-off"".

Criminal case number:



February 11, 2019

Current stage of the case:

proceedings in the court of first instance


SO in Surgut SU IC of the Russian Federation in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (1), 282.3 (1), 282.2 (2)

Case number in court:

№ 1-27/2023 (1-130/2022; 1-1348/2021)


Surgut City Court


Dmitry Lupin


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