The last word of the defendant Vadim Fedorov in Asha


The last word of the defendant Vadim Fedorov in Asha

on April 27 , 2023 .

Chelyabinsk region

From the courtroom

The believer told the court how the unjust persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses generates religious intolerance: "[It] makes people think that we ... are not Christians, but criminals… I try to live by the norms and commandments that are set out in the Bible, and for me it is sacred."

Transcript of the court session in the Ashinsky City Court of the Chelyabinsk Region dated 04/27/2023 in the case 1-8/2023 (1-237/2022) on charges of Fedorov Vadim Veniaminovich of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Fedorov Vadim Veniaminovich:

I want to start my last word with words of gratitude. I want to say a big thank you, Your Honor, for your attitude towards me. I was pleased that you did not feel any hostility to me on religious grounds, tried to approach this complex case soberly and impartially and listen to my position. I also want to express my gratitude for your sense of humor, which made the court session less stressful.

I want to thank the state prosecutor, because she was attentive to me, there was no bias, and reading the materials of the criminal case was very high-quality and accessible.

I also want to say words of gratitude to my lawyer Anna Nikolaevna Balabanova for the fact that she perfectly understood this criminal case and defended me qualitatively. Anna Nikolaevna made a lot of efforts to prove my innocence.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my friends who have always been there for this long period of time. You have always been a support and with your smiles helped me to maintain a positive attitude.

I also want to say words of gratitude to my dear wife, who has always been there.

And of course, I want to say special words of gratitude to my God Jehovah. Having become his witness, I participate in the fulfillment of the prophecies that are recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, in the 10th chapter, the 18th verse: "And they will lead you to the rulers and kings for Me, for a testimony before them." Therefore, what is happening to me and many of my other co-religionists in Russia now does not surprise me.

For me, as a person who not only knows the Bible, but always tries to observe what is written, the word "Christian" means "following in the footsteps of Jesus." This means always observing and acting in accordance with what our Lord Christ says. In the Bible, the First Letter of Peter 2:21 says: "For you are called to this, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example so that we would follow in His footsteps." How can I show in my life that I am following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ?

The first is the command, which is found in the Letter to Hebrews 10:24, 25: "Let us be attentive to one another, encouraging love and good deeds; let us not leave our assembly, as is the custom of some; but let us exhort one another, and the more so, the more you see the approach of that day." Studying the Bible together strengthens my faith, deepens my understanding of the Bible and God's intentions.

James 2:26 goes on to say: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." This verse encourages me not only to gather with believers, but also to share with other people what I learn from the Scriptures about what the Creator of heaven and earth intended for everyone around me.

When I was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness in 1993, I did it sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. I promised him to remain loyal and faithful in any life situations. I don't want to, can't, and won't renege on my promise.

Today I am being judged not for having done something bad, but for being a Christian and glorifying Jehovah God. Perhaps someone doesn't like my religion, and people may have different reasons for that: someone has a personal dislike for religion as such. Someone does not like the fact that I am a Jehovah's Witness, and when I come to their house, I tell them about the Bible. But there are also those who sincerely believe the misinformation that is in the media, or gossip. And today, the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses makes people think that we are actually a terrible sect, that we are not Christians, but criminals who, as the investigation says, destroy families, sacrifice their children, take away property and do not want to be treated. After all, in Russia, such long terms are given to real criminals, more often it happens for murder. But I, as a Jehovah's Witness, as a Christian, am alien to the idea that is associated with violence, murder, drug addiction.

I try to live by the norms and commandments that are set out in the Bible, and for me it is sacred. For me, a Christian, both in the past and now, the most important task is to preach about the government of God, since it is this government that will solve all the problems of humanity. Unfortunately, most people don't take it seriously. For them, this is nothing more than a naive fairy tale or legend, but the disbelief of the majority does not mean that this will not happen. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 28, verses 19 and 20, it says: "Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you all the days until the end centuries. Amen."

Your Honor, I have no sense of guilt, my conscience is clear both before God and before the state. I have not done anything wrong for which I could be punished or called an extremist. The prosecution has not proved what it accuses me of, so I ask you to acquit me. I ask you to attach my last word to the materials of the criminal case. Thank you so much for listening.

Summary of the case


Chelyabinsk region



What is suspected:

"He supervised a meeting of followers of the religious teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Ashinsky district... organized the collection of reports on preaching activities"

Criminal case number:



April 29, 2022

Current stage of the case:

the verdict has entered into force


SU IC of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (1)

Case number in court:

1-8/2023 (1-237/2022)

Court of First Instance:

Ashinsky City Court of the Chelyabinsk region

Judge of the Court of First instance:

Alexey Rustamshin.


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