The last word of the defendant Galina Yatsik in Zee



The last word of the defendant Galina Yatsik in Zee

September 21 , 2023

Amur region

In her last word, the believer spoke about how biblical knowledge has influenced her life, and noted that she always wanted to share it with others. "There is no corpus delicti in my actions, as their motive is love for God and love for people."

Transcript of the court session in the Zeysky District Court of the Amur region dated 09/21/2023 in the case 1-62/2023 on charges of Yatsik Galina Ivanovna and others. in committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Yatsik Galina Ivanovna:

At the beginning of my speech, I want to thank all the participants in the trial. Your Honor, thank you for listening carefully and patiently to me and other participants in order to understand the essence of the charges.

Thanks to Prosecutor Chursina Olga Alexandrovna for reading the text of the criminal case and the efforts made to get acquainted with the case materials. I also want to thank lawyer Lazareva Tatiana Borisovna for her efforts that she made to protect me. I express my gratitude to Secretary Elena Nikolaevna Kozlova for her scrupulous and responsible work.

I express my sincere gratitude to my dear friends for their emotional support and practical assistance during the entire trial. And most importantly, I am grateful to my God Jehovah for constantly feeling his support, as he promised: "Do not be afraid, because I am with you. Don't worry, because I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you firmly with my right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).

Your Honor, in my last word, I want to briefly tell you about myself, about how I became a believer, so that you have a complete picture. Even in my youth, I was interested in the question: what is the purpose of man, what do we live for? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that our life has no meaning. I was born, grew up, planted a tree, built a house, raised a son, and then only old age and death. Much later I realized that our life has no meaning if we do not take into account the opinion of God. The wise King Solomon, inspired from above, expressed a similar thought: "What does a person get for all his work and aspirations that encourage him to work under the sun? After all, all his life his labors bring him pain and disappointment, and even at night his heart does not know peace. This is also vanity" (Ecclesiastes 2:22, 23).

It turns out that I am not the only one who has wondered about the meaning of life. For thousands of years, many thinking people have been trying to find an answer to this question. The endless search for the meaning of being occupied the minds of philosophers and thinkers at all times. And I also noticed that people don't have a single answer to this question, everyone answers differently. The desire to understand why we are here is inherent in people of all ages and cultures. Behind it is our deep inner need — the need for the spiritual. And spiritual needs can be met with the help of the Bible.

In the early 1990s, I got acquainted with this book. A close friend of mine started studying the Bible and encouraged me to follow her example, for which I am very grateful to her. It was only when I was already 43 years old that I finally found out the answer about the meaning of life and understood why people do not have a single opinion on this issue. I came to the conclusion that most people are not looking for the answer there. I realized this when I got to know the author of the Bible, the God Jehovah, more closely.

I learned that God created all living things, including man: "You have the source of life. Through your light we see the light" (Psalm 36:9). And more: "Jehovah God created man out of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living man" (Genesis 2:7). While studying the Bible, I finally found comprehensive answers to questions about life and death, as well as about God's "eternal intention" or eternal plan for the earth and humanity (Ephesians 3:11). I read in the Bible that man had to live in paradise on earth forever under the guidance of God himself, the Creator and Creator.

The biblical principles and laws have become a reliable guide for me in life. People in general are becoming more and more cruel and selfish. The institution of the family is collapsing. It is difficult for many to trust the authorities. Everywhere there are wars, chaos, moral degradation, crime, racial prejudice, hatred and so on. In such an environment, a good relationship with God helps me to remain calm and look confidently into the future. Being our Creator, he knows how best to manage our lives, just as the manufacturer knows how to use his product correctly. In addition, Jehovah wishes all people only good. He wants us to be happy, and therefore has given laws that promote our well-being.

The Biblical knowledge inspired me, and I decided to share this valuable information with other people, because I saw that my quality of life had improved. Your Honor, there is no corpus delicti in my actions, as their motive is love for God and love for people.

Ivan Viktorovich, I have no sense of guilt. My conscience is clear both before God and before the state. I have not done anything wrong for which I could be punished or called an extremist. There are no victims in the case. The prosecution has not proved what I am accused of, so I ask you to acquit me.

Summary of the case


Amur region



What is suspected:

According to the investigation, "realizing that by their actions they undermine the foundations of the constitutional order and the security of the state ... they directly participated in ... religious events."

Criminal case number:



November 22, 2021

The current stage of the case:


Is being investigated by:

The Federal Security Service of Russia for the Amur Region

Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

282.2 (2)

Case number in court:


Court of First Instance:

Zeysky District Court of the Amur region

Judge of the Court of First instance:

Ivan Moiseenko


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