‘Jehovah Is Always by My Side’
‘Jehovah Is Always by My Side’
July 26, 2023
The Dimitrovskiy District Court of Kostroma will soon announce its verdict in the case involving Sister Valentina Samus. The prosecutor has yet to request a potential sentence.
Valentina Samus
Born: 1949 (Kostroma, Kostroma Region)
Biography: Worked as a nurse practitioner. Now retired
Married Ivan in 1970. They raised a son and a daughter
Prayed that God would help her get to know him. Met Jehovah’s Witnesses soon after and began studying the Bible. Baptized in 2007
Personal Comments
How has your relationship with Jehovah grown stronger during this difficult time?
I have become more aware of how constant and unchangeable Jehovah is. Jehovah is my Father, and he is always by my side. I have repeatedly experienced how turning to him in prayer removes my fear and anxiety. I can talk to Jehovah about everything without any reservations. And I trust that whatever he allows to happen will ultimately be to my benefit. This makes me want to be loyal to him no matter what. The fact that we as Jehovah’s servants are flourishing despite being persecuted confirms his ability to protect us spiritually. I regularly ask that Jehovah help me maintain my faith and that my love for him will not fade away but burn brighter and brighter.
It is comforting to know that we can rely on Jehovah through all of our trials, confident that “there is no rock like our God.”—1 Samuel 2:2.
Time Line
February 17, 2022
Criminal case initiated
March 15, 2022
Home searched
December 15, 2022
Criminally charged and placed under a recognizance agreement
March 24, 2023
Criminal trial began
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