The Court of Cassation Did Not Change the Sentence of a 69-Year-Old Jehovah's Witness From Novosibirsk—Six Years in a Penal Colony for His Faith
RUSSIA The Court of Cassation Did Not Change the Sentence of a 69-Year-Old Jehovah's Witness From Novosibirsk—Six Years in a Penal Colony for His Faith May 30, 2024 Novosibirsk Region On May 29, 2024, the judicial panel of the Eighth Court of Cassation in Kemerovo upheld the verdict against Aleksandr Seredkin. The believer will continue to serve his sentence in the penal colony. Aleksandr attended the hearing via video conferencing. In the cassation appeal, the defendant's lawyer drew attention to the fact that there was no evidence of the believer's guilt in the case: "In the appealed judicial acts there are no indications of the presence of signs of extremism in the actions of Aleksandr Seredkin: both in actions and in words. How exactly a peaceful conversation about God in the circle of fellow believers jeopardized the constitutional order and security of the state is not specified in the appealed judicial acts". "On the contrary, all the actions and stat...